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Swami's quote

"Students! We aspire and look for something more on top. Nothing is available there. Only ether is available. Beyond that region we find ozone. This ozone protects from the sun. Without ozone layer, the sun rays would fall directly on earth, if that happens none of the human race can exist, as it would lead to evaporation of all water and ultimately lead to destruction. Because of ozone's presence, sunlight is being filtered and we are receiving the light, as much as is required. Man today, to fulfil his selfish desires, invents new technologies, vehicles, industries etc. All these are promoting huge amounts of smoke and this smoke in turn is depleting the ozone layer and today, that ozone layer has a big hole in it. Because of this the sun rays are directly falling on us. Now to correct this situation, all nations like Russia, America, and Japan are coming together. How do they tackle this problem? Nothing! They have to reduce the emission of smoke in earth. Smoke here doesn't mean what comes out of cigarettes or bidis. The smoke which emanates from industries and vehicles should be reduced. Until and unless we reduce these things, countries would not develop. If this continues in future, we will not even have water to drink. On one hand, we have the ozone layer getting destroyed. On the other hand, we have the government pushing for development of industries. They both are opposite to each other. So protect and live with what is given to you." - Divine Discourse 27 September 1992

Slide show of the tips

Tip 1 | Tip 2 | Tip 3 | Tip 4 | Tip 5 | Tip 6 | Tip 7 | Tip 8 | Tip 9 | Tip 10 | Tip 11 | Tip 12 | Tip 13 | Tip 14 | Tip 15 | Tip 16 | Tip 17 | Tip 18 | Tip 19 | Tip 20 | Tip 21 | Tip 22 | Tip 23 | Tip 24 | Tip 25 | Tip 26 | Tip 27 | Tip 28 | Tip 29 | Tip 30 |