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Swami's quote

"Essentially, there is no conflict between man and creation; just as a child is entitled to enjoy the milk from its mother and the bee is entitled to enjoy the honey from flowers, there can be no objection to man enjoying the resources of nature. But as a result of uncontrolled desires and reckless exploitation of natural resources, Nature is exhibiting frightening disorders." - SSS 30:04

Slide show of the tips

Tip 1 | Tip 2 | Tip 3 | Tip 4 | Tip 5 | Tip 6 | Tip 7 | Tip 8 | Tip 9 | Tip 10 | Tip 11 | Tip 12 | Tip 13 | Tip 14 | Tip 15 | Tip 16 | Tip 17 | Tip 18 | Tip 19 | Tip 20 | Tip 21 | Tip 22 | Tip 23 | Tip 24 | Tip 25 | Tip 26 | Tip 27 | Tip 28 | Tip 29 | Tip 30 |